Hi, I'm Wout

From idea to validated prototype,
I create services that people love to use
and have business impact.

How I can help you

Bringing your ideas to life,

fuelled by user insights

Service Design

Better understand your customers through user-research. Involving people in every step of the way, I ideate, conceptualise, prototype and test new value propositions, quickly.

Strategic Design

Create future experiences that fit your brand and strategy taking into account a changing world. I help you answer the question; how do you stay relevant on the long term?

Lean innovation

Become more innovative and user-centered while speeding up development by failing faster. I help you (in)validate  your assumptions using lean-startup methodologies and rapid experimentation.

Selected work


A case study at ING

Creating a service to support small business owners with their expenses

November 12, 2016

Strategizing a new collaborating model

Companies I have worked for, with or at

Let’s get to work

Whether you just want to give a shout out, want to organise a design sprint to see if we’re a match, or looking to start a bigger project, feel free to email me and we’ll quickly be in touch.

Wout van der Weijden

E: wout@theservicedesigner.com

T: +31 (0)6 209 820 74